Awards and Recognition Program

The Association of Black Health-system Pharmacists (ABHP) conducts a program that honors individuals for their outstanding record of accomplishments and their service to the organization, and the profession of pharmacy. The awards program recognizes outstanding contributions of health-system leaders, practitioners, pharmacy students, pharmacy technicians, and industry representatives advancing the mission and raising the vision of the ABHP. The first awards program was conducted on December 7, 1983, at a luncheon during the American Society of Health-systems Pharmacists Annual Midyear Clinical Conference. The Association started by recognizing students and practitioners for meritorious services to the profession and their community. Dr. Allen L. Brown was appointed the first Chairperson of the Awards Committee. Mr. Monroe Mack was the first recipient of the Practitioner of the Year Award and Ms. Vernita Hawkins of the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy was the first recipient of the Student Achievement Award.  

A brief description of the awards may be found below. Take a moment to review the information and feel free to nominate an individual of your choice that you feel is deserving of the award. Self-nominations are accepted. Click the NOMINATE button and complete the application.
(Click to Download Guidebook)

• The Pharmacist of the Year Award recognizes a pharmacy practitioner who has made an exemplary contribution to the practice of pharmacy throughout his or her career or who has accomplished a single outstanding, distinctive achievement or accomplishment that has promoted and elevated the standard of pharmacy practice or the vision of the ABHP.

Selection Criteria:
• The nominee must be a current member of ABHP who has distinguished himself or herself by outstanding voluntary contribution to the profession of pharmacy and/or who has accomplished a single achievement in the year preceding the presentation of the award. Wendell T. Hill Award recipients are not eligible for the award.


• The Meritorious Service Award was established in 2000 to recognize ABHP members who have contributed through their sustained efforts, significantly to society, the profession of pharmacy and to ABHP.

Selection Criteria:
• The nominee must be a current member of ABHP who has distinguished himself or herself and the profession of pharmacy by outstanding voluntary contributions to society, the profession of pharmacy, and the ABHP.

• Members of the ABHP Executive Committee will select recipients. Once a history of the award has been established, the selection of the recipient will be made by past award recipients.


• The ABHP Health-system Executive Leadership Award recognizes individuals outside the pharmacy discipline who have made extraordinary national or worldwide contributions to improving healthcare. • This award, which is conferred at the discretion of the ABHP Board of Directors, may be presented annually at the ABHP Annual Meeting, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, or other appropriate function. One or more awards may be conferred each year.

Selection Criteria:
• The ABHP members are invited, annually, to suggest nominees in writing with substantiating evidence. Nominations should state the extraordinary national or worldwide contributions that the nominee has made to the health field.

• Nominees must be individuals who practice outside the pharmacy discipline. Current ABHP Board members and ABHP staff are not eligible. 


The George Mickey Leland Political Achievement Award, named for the noted pharmacist and senator from Texas, honors an individual, a team of individuals, or an organization that has performed special service in state or national political and legislative affairs that strengthen, improve, and further the interests of the ABHP and pharmacists in general. This award will be given to those individuals who best personify the spirit of Mickey Leland and whose work will have a significant impact on the community at large. This award recognizes outstanding service in the area of political and legislative action during a single association year or over an extended period. Nominees should reflect the ABHP vision and values as continually demonstrated in their outstanding legislative contributions at their state or national level.

Selection Criteria:
Nominees must have worked in connection with legislative and political matters to further the mission and vision of the ABHP, and pharmacists in general, in one or more of the following areas:
• Fund solicitation or contributions to the association or political action committee whose activities further the opportunities for ABHP members and pharmacists in general.
• Hosting and/or attending political action fund-raisers,
• Participating in local, state, or national campaign efforts,
• Participating in the passage of legislation beneficial to the professional advancement of pharmacists,
• Lobbying activities beneficial to the mission and objectives of ABHP and the professional advancement of pharmacists,
• Involvement in training, guiding, and nurturing those who become involved in the political process, • Coordinating letter-writing campaigns or phone trees on important issues,
• Testimony on issues of concern to the pharmacy profession.

Nominees who are pharmacists must be a members in active status and in good standing of the ABHP.

• An individual, a team of individuals, or an organization who has been awarded the Legislative or Political Achievement Award within the last five years.
• Paid lobbyists.

Nomination Process
1. Nominations may come from individual ABHP members, ABHP officers, colleagues, and individuals familiar with the legislative achievements and political action efforts of the nominee.
2. Nominations may be submitted electronically to ABHP by March 1. An appointed Selection Committee will be convened to choose the recipient of the award.
3. The Selection Committee shall have the discretion whether to present the award or not to present the award every year.
4. The committee and related expenses shall be the responsibility of ABHP.
5. The award, if given, will be presented at the annual meeting of the ABHP Opening Session. The award shall be a plaque recognizing the significant achievement made by the individual, group, or organization in the area of legislative and political action. 


Established in 2009, the ASHP-ABHP Joint Leadership Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare.

Selection Criteria:
ASHP and ABHP members are invited, annually, to suggest nominees in writing with substantiating evidence. Nominations should state how the nominee meets the criteria for the award. This includes a record of demonstrating leadership in the reduction of racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare in one or more of the following areas:
• Increasing awareness of these disparities among healthcare providers, administrators, legislators, regulators, third-party payers, and the public;
• Promoting a more diverse and culturally competent healthcare workforce and environment;
• Ensuring effective communication with patients and among providers;
• Fostering consistent use of multidisciplinary teams and evidence-based guidelines for patient care;
• Collecting and reporting data on healthcare access, utilization, and outcomes by racial and ethnic minorities, and measuring progress toward reducing healthcare disparities;
• Researching, identifying, and disseminating best practices for providing culturally competent care and reducing disparities in healthcare.

Current ASHP and ABHP Board members and staff are not eligible. 


• The President’s Award is chosen exclusively by the President of the ABHP and is given to an individual or individuals that the President would like to recognize for helping him or her during the year as President.

Selection Criteria:
• The recipient(s) can be anyone who has significantly supported and/or contributed significantly to the success of the President during his or her term of office.

• The award shall be given in the year at the end of the President’s term of office. 


• The Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award recognizes a pharmacy technician for outstanding personal performance and achievements during his or her career.

Selection Criteria:
• The nominees must be current members of ABHP or supporters of ABHP vision who have distinguished him or herself by outstanding contributions to the profession of pharmacy in their respective practice sites.


• The Research and Publication Achievement Award, presented annually, is intended to recognize, and encourage outstanding, meritorious achievement in any of the following areas: basic pharmaceutical sciences, clinical pharmacy practice, and economic, social, and administrative sciences. The award may be given to up to three recipients in the same year provided they are in different disciplines.

Selection Criteria:
• The nominee must have accomplished outstanding research and must have published reports in the scientific professional literature that can be used in judging an individual’s contributions within a given discipline. Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged for this award.


• To recognize outstanding performance in providing clinical pharmacy services with a direct and/or indirect benefit to patients well being.

Selection Criteria:
• All nominees must be a current member of ABHP, and a practicing pharmacist routinely involved in providing direct and/or indirect patient care.
• The qualifications of the nominee must be supported by written evidence of his/her outstanding achievements in the performance of everyday duties as judged by the following professional activities:
Patient Concern: The individual should demonstrate continued professional dedication and compassion to the care of patients, e.g.: • The nominee should demonstrate that the level of practice has been concentrated in an area of practice for some time.
Scope of Practice: The individual should demonstrate that the spectrum of clinical pharmacy services routinely provided is unique and progressive. • The nominee should demonstrate that the level of practice exceeds the routine job requirements and has been or is continuous. • The nominee should have implemented original concepts in either his/her institution or practice setting that had a significant impact on the quality of patient care, quality of pharmacy practice, and/or service.
Professional Respect: Respect of the nominee should be demonstrated by recognition from colleagues and/or other health care professionals concerning the value of the nominee’s quality of practice or services.
Pursuit of Knowledge: The nominee should demonstrate a commitment to enhancing and expanding his/her knowledge base in order to constantly improve the level of care provided. • The nominee should demonstrate participation in or completion of advanced training, workshops, conferences, seminars, etc.
Leadership: The nominee should be active in community and/or professional organizations. • The nominee should have served as an elected officer of a national, state, regional, or local pharmacy organization; • The nominee should have served as a member of a committee, council, board, advisory group, task force or ad hoc group of an institution, pharmacy organization and/or community organizations. 

• The Wendell T. Hill Award, named in honor of the first African American President of the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists (ASHP). The award was established in 1997 by the ABHP Board of Directors to honor a pharmacist, who, through his/her dedication and commitment, has made significant contributions to the profession of pharmacy.  

Selection Criteria:
• All nominees must be current members of ABHP and have at least ten years of practice experience since original licensure in any state.
• All nominees should demonstrate sustained practice excellence.
• The qualifications of the nominee must be supported by written evidence of his/her accomplishments, which should be based on one or more of the following professional activities:
Professional Practice: The individual should demonstrate a commitment to practice excellence; e.g.: • The nominee should have implemented original concepts in either his/her institution or practice setting that had a significant impact on the quality of patient care, quality of pharmacy practice and/or service.
• Leadership: Leadership should be evidenced by promotion within the institutional setting or within professional and/or community organizations; e.g.: • The nominee should have served as an elected officer of a national, state, regional, or local pharmacy organization; • The nominee should have served as a member of a pharmacy association policy-recommending body; • The nominee may have served as a member of a committee, council, board, advisory groups, task force or ad hoc group established by ABHP or a national pharmacy association and/or community organizations. • The nominee should have served as a reviewer, editorial board member, or editor for a national, professional referred journal; • The nominee should have served as a reviewer of papers submitted for presentation at state or national pharmacy meetings.
Education: The nominee should have received successful recognition of educational activities to patients, health care professionals, and community organizations; e.g.: • The nominee should demonstrate an ongoing level of involvement in and commitment to educating practitioners; • The nominee should be actively involved in ongoing educational programs, e.g., the training or education of pharmacy students, nurses, and/or physicians.
Research: The nominee should have performed applied or practical pharmacy research that may have or has had a significant impact on the quality of patient care and/or cost containment. • The nominee should have published scientific or professional papers on relevant topics in pharmacy journals; or textbooks; or published abstracts; • The nominee should have presented papers at professional meetings. 

• Named in honor of the first President of the Association of Black Health-systems Pharmacists (ABHP), the John J. Scrivens Distinguished Service Award was established in 2009 to provide recognition to an individual who gives significant sustained service (greater than four consecutive years) to the ABHP.

Selection Criteria:
• All nominees must be active member of ABHP and not be an elected official. • Members of the ABHP Executive Committee will select recipients.  

• To provide recognition to a pharmacy student who has an outstanding record of accomplishment and service to the profession of pharmacy and/or community

Selection Criteria:
• All nominees must have begun at least the second professional year of school, completed a block of hospital internship, and worked in a hospital or other healthcare facility before or while attending pharmacy school.
• The qualifications of the nominee must be supported by written evidence of his/her outstanding accomplishments as judged by the following professional activities:
Overall Grade Point Average (G.P.A.): The individual should demonstrate high academic achievement.
Professional Affiliations: The nominee should be active in community and/or professional organizations. • The nominee should have served as an elected officer of a student national, state, regional or local pharmacy organization chapter; • The nominee should have served as a member of a committee, council, board, advisory group, task force or ad hoc group of an institution, pharmacy organization and/or community organizations.
Pharmacy Practice: The nominee should demonstrate an interest in hospital or health-system pharmacy practice.
Professional and/or Community Service: The nominee should demonstrate an involvement in community or professional services (e.g., Big Brother, Big Sister, volunteer organizations, etc.)

• To recognize a pharmaceutical industry professional for outstanding personal performance and support of the organization.

Selection Criteria:
• The qualifications of the nominee must be supported by evidence of his/her outstanding achievements and as judged by, but not limited to, the following criteria:
• Exemplifies ethical conduct with pharmacists and other health care providers.
• Demonstrates superior job knowledge and has a genuine interest in the practice of pharmacy as evident through clinical, technical, and educational support.
• A person who never compromises his/her integrity for personal gain.
• Responsive to the needs of pharmacists in providing quality patient care.
• Supports the mission and vision of the ABHP through program contributions and other services.

Members of the ABHP Executive Committee will select recipients.